System Of A Down:
Free (!) to order, only enclose 3 stamps of fl. 0,80. "That can't be much",
was the first thing I thought, but nothing less is true. System Of A Downs
3-track demo beats your skull of your trunk. The power drains from the
songs and the production is very good. In America they played with Korn,
Deftones and Godflesh and I can tell you that System Of A Down isn't
underneath those bands for a moment. A catchy groove and ultra modern music
what, if you like those music, can't be missing in your collection. The
band is coming from Los Angeles and has meanwhile (according to the
information) signed a millions contract at major record company Columbia.
We're going to hear a lot more of this band in the future. You can send
your stamps to:
Street Team Europe
van Bourgondielan 38
4351 NS Veere
A big THANK U to Marlies....check his cool site as well :BIOHAZARD: Land Of The Free, Home Of The Slave